Dr. Jessi Gold is a highly sought after mental health expert who has become the go-to source for journalists across print and digital publications including, The New York Times, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, USA Today, TIME, CNN, The Atlantic, and Today, among others.
She is quickly and regularly available and able to communicate about complex mental health topics in an accessible way, so that reporters return to her over and over again. For a list of topics, from coping skills, to college students and healthcare workers, to mental health and popular culture, see her about page, but feel free to reach out to Dr. Gold here, and if she cannot help, she is happy to point you towards a colleague that can.
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Mashable | December 1, 2021 | What is Trauma We Can All Learn From ‘Trauma Dumping’ Online
Psychology Today | June 2, 2021 | Burnout Is Not Depression
Well + Good | February 3, 2021 | Hitting Your Pandemic Wall? You’re Certainly Not Alone – Here Are 11 Tips to Deal from Experts